Amazing Facts About Dolphins
25 May, 2024
Level: Beginner
Total vocabularies: 58
Minutes to read: 1
Topic: Animal
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Dolphins are very smart animals.
They live in oceans all around the world.
A dolphin racing a speedboat in the ocean.
Dolphins can swim very fast.
They can swim up to 25 miles per hour !
Dolphins love to jump and play in the water.
Two dolphins making sounds, with sound waves illustrated around them.
They communicate with each other using clicks and whistles .
Each dolphin has a unique whistle , like a name.
Dolphins often live in groups called pods .
A group of 12 dolphins swimming together.
Pods can have up to 12 dolphins .
They use echolocation to find food.
A dolphin helping a swimmer in the ocean.
They are truly amazing creatures !