Amazing Facts About Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2
01 Jun, 2024
Level: Intermediate
Total vocabularies: 133
Minutes to read: 2
Topic: Technology
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Artificial Intelligence , or AI , is a fascinating and rapidly growing field.
But what exactly is AI ?
A robot and a human both looking at a computer screen
AI is a type of technology that allows computers to think and learn like humans .
One interesting fact is that AI can recognize faces .
This technology is used in many smartphones and social media platforms.
A robot moving a chess piece on a chessboard
Another cool fact is that AI can play and even win games like chess and Go.
In 1997, an AI named Deep Blue defeated the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.
AI is also very useful in healthcare .
A robot pointing to a medical chart with a doctor
It helps doctors diagnose diseases and suggest treatments .
Did you know that AI can also create art ?
Some AI programs can write poems or compose music .
A self-driving car with a happy robot in the driver's seat
AI is even used in cars to make them drive themselves.
These self-driving cars use sensors and cameras to navigate the roads.
AI helps us in our daily lives too.
A smartphone with a speech bubble saying 'Hello, how can I help you?'
For example, virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are powered by AI .
They can answer questions and perform tasks for us.
AI can also help us save energy .
A home with various smart devices communicating with each other
Smart home devices can learn our preferences and adjust settings automatically.
In conclusion, AI is a powerful and versatile technology that impacts many aspects of our lives.
As AI continues to develop, it will bring even more exciting possibilities!