Interesting Facts About Mercury
06 Jun, 2024
Level: Beginner
Total vocabularies: 71
Minutes to read: 1
Topic: Space
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It is also the closest planet to the Sun .
A simple image of Mercury showing it alone without moons or rings
One day on Mercury is very long.
It takes 59 Earth days for Mercury to rotate once.
A calendar showing a year passing by quickly with Mercury in the foreground
But a year on Mercury is very short.
It takes only 88 Earth days for Mercury to go around the Sun .
Mercury has very hot days and very cold nights.
Mercury's surface glowing red hot under the Sun
During the day , it can be over 800 degrees Fahrenheit .
At night , it can be below -300 degrees Fahrenheit .
A rock hitting Mercury and creating a crater
These craters are from rocks hitting Mercury long ago.
Mercury is hard to see from Earth because it is close to the Sun .
But sometimes you can see it just before sunrise or just after sunset.