

Definition: Go to see and spend time with (someone) socially.
Meaning: Đi thăm hỏi, đến chơi, tham quan
Very Common
How to use "Visit" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Whether you're a student looking to take a gap year or a family hoping to visit somewhere new this year, there is a wealth of choice available to you.

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Check out our top 10 travel destinations you should definitely visit!

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Firstly, we will visit to London, UK.

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For children and those young at heart, visit Orlando and roam through the Disneyworld parks.

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Fans of sports can visit the race track at Daytona Beach while getting some sea and sunshine at the same time.

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Certainly not a country most people will visit during their lifetime, but for those in search of something different, it's a great choice.

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There's far too much to see in New York after just one visit, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't book a trip to the 'Big Apple'.

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The above destinations are just a few of the places to visit if you want culture, fun and some wonderful adventures!

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Many people visit London as tourists.

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The Great Wall of China is the must-visit China attraction.

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It's important to visit the major temples when exploring religion in Bali, but you won't have to look far to see them in general.

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The truth is, whatever month of the year you come, it will be hot, but with slightly lower humidity levels the preferred time to visit is between November and February.

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Visit Chinatown in Bangkok for the culture but stay for some of the best cuisine in the city, and goods and souvenirs at some of the cheapest prices.

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While here, be sure to visit Wat Traimit so you can set your eyes upon the largest sold gold Buddha in the world.

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Many people visit New York every year.

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