

Definition: A mammal of the order proboscidea, having a trunk, and two large ivory tusks jutting from the upper jaw.
Meaning: Con voi
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How to use "Elephants" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Elephants are one of the most interesting animals in the world.

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Elephants have big ears that help them stay cool.

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Elephants love to eat grass, fruits, and leaves.

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Elephants are very smart and can remember things for a long time.

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Baby elephants are called calves and are very playful.

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Elephants are some of the most incredible creatures on Earth.

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Did you know that elephants are the largest land animals?

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Despite their size, elephants are very gentle and can show a lot of emotion.

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Elephants have long trunks that they use for many tasks.

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One fascinating fact is that elephants have excellent memories.

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