

Definition: A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.
Meaning: Biểu tượng
How to use "Logo" vocabulary in sentence (example)

The Trefoil logo the brand is known for also had a meaning besides the look.

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The logo was first introduced in the Munich Olympics in 1972.

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Irina Blok designed the logo in 2007, the general idea came from the man on toilet doors.

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Android's logo isn't actually called Android, Google unofficially call him Bugdroid.

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The logo of NBC, television network in the USA, has taken the form of a colorful peacock since 1956.

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In January 2016, GrabTaxi was rebranded as "Grab", which encompasses all the company's products: GrabCar (personal cars), GrabBike (motorcycle taxis), GrabHitch (carpooling) and GrabExpress (last mile delivery) with a new, redesigned logo.

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In 1876, the red triangle logo for Bass Pale Ale was made the world's first trademark.

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In January 2016, GrabTaxi was rebranded as "Grab", which encompasses all the company's products: GrabCar (personal cars), GrabBike (motorcycle taxis), GrabHitch (carpooling) and GrabExpress (last mile delivery) with a new, redesigned logo.

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The Samsung logo we all know and recognize only came into use in 1993, prior to that there were 2 other logos, created in 1969 and 1980 respectively.

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