

Definition: The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
Meaning: Lợi tức, tiền lãi
Very Common
How to use "Interest" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Android's significance in the mobile market was perfectly realized in 2009 when Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, was forced to resign from Apple's board of directors due to a conflict of interest and his inability to be involved in Apple's developments and future plans.

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You get what you want, and you pay for it over time, including interest, just like a bank loan.

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Banks like credit card accounts because people always end up paying more than the original price for an item and the banks get that extra money in the form of interest.

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His main areas of interest in philanthropy have been improving health, and in particular helping to reduce diseases, such as polio which affect young children.

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These loans always have interest attached to them;

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This is because you will be paying not only the money that you borrowed but also the interest on that money that you borrowed.

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So the Library decided that it would retain only certain tweets for the interest and benefit of the American people.

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The rich biodiversity of the bay, and its beauty and its history has captured the interest of many throughout the ages.

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Here he continued painting and also branched out into other interest such as engineering and anatomy.

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Although they were wildly incorrect, they did lead to worldwide interest in Machu Picchu.

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