Amazing Facts About Artificial Intelligence (AI)
28 May, 2024
Cấp độ: Cơ bản
Tổng số từ vựng: 93
Số phút để đọc: 1
Chủ đề: Technology
Bạn có thể nhấn vào nút Chơi game và khám phá bên dưới để tìm hiểu thêm nhiều kiến thức thú vị khác nhé.
Artificial Intelligence , or AI, is a smart technology that can think and learn like people.
AI can be found in many places, like your smartphone , computer , and even in your car .
A person talking to a phone with a friendly robot face on the screen.
When you talk to Siri or Google Assistant, that's AI helping you!
AI can understand your voice and answer your questions.
Did you know AI can also play games ? It can beat the best human players in chess and other games .
A robot doctor looking at an X-ray image with a human doctor.
AI is used in medicine to help doctors find diseases faster.
Self-driving cars use AI to see the road and drive safely.
AI can also create art and music , just like artists.
A robot holding hands with a human, showing teamwork.
However, AI is not perfect and still needs human help.
Many people are working to make AI better and more helpful every day.
Learning about AI is fun and exciting !
A child holding a small robot they built, with a big smile.
Who knows, maybe one day you will create your own AI!