Amazing Facts About Our Solar System
06 Jun, 2024
Cấp độ: Cơ bản
Tổng số từ vựng: 89
Số phút để đọc: 1
Chủ đề: Space
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Welcome to the amazing world of our solar system !
Our solar system is a big family with the Sun as its head.
The Sun with a giant open mouth and many small Earths going inside.
The Sun is so big that it can fit 1.3 million Earths inside it!
There are eight planets in our solar system .
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun .
Venus with sunglasses and a fan, looking very hot.
Venus is the hottest planet, even hotter than Mercury !
Earth is our home and the only planet with life.
Mars is known as the Red Planet because of its red soil.
Jupiter with a big red spot shaped like a storm cloud.
Jupiter is the largest planet and has a big red spot, which is a giant storm .
Saturn is famous for its beautiful rings made of ice and rock.
Uranus is different because it rotates on its side.
Neptune with wind blowing all around it.
Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun and has strong winds .
Keep looking up at the sky and imagine all the amazing things out there!