Marvelous Mars: Unveiling the Red Planet
07 Jun, 2024
Cấp độ: Trung cấp
Tổng số từ vựng: 159
Số phút để đọc: 2
Chủ đề: Space
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Mars , also known as the Red Planet , has always fascinated humans.
Its reddish color is due to iron oxide , or rust, on its surface.
A diagram of the Solar System highlighting Mars.
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest in the Solar System .
It is named after the Roman god of war because of its blood-red color.
Interestingly, Mars has seasons just like Earth, but they are twice as long!
A giant volcano on Mars with lava flows.
Olympus Mons is about 13 miles high, which is three times taller than Mount Everest.
Mars has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos .
A scared-looking cartoon character next to the moons Phobos and Deimos.
Phobos means 'fear' and Deimos means 'terror' in Greek mythology.
These moons are thought to be captured asteroids from the asteroid belt.
Mars has the largest canyon in the Solar System , Valles Marineris.
A comparison chart of the Grand Canyon and Valles Marineris.
This canyon is about 2,500 miles long and four times deeper than the Grand Canyon .
Scientists have found signs that liquid water may exist on Mars .
This raises the possibility of finding life, or at least past life, on the planet .
An astronaut wearing a spacesuit on the surface of Mars.
Mars' thin atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide, making it hard to breathe for humans.
Future missions to Mars plan to create habitats for humans to live and work there.
Rovers like Curiosity and Perseverance are exploring Mars to gather information.
A detailed map of Mars created by rover explorations.
These rovers help us understand the planet's history and geology .
Mars is a cold desert with temperatures dropping as low as -195 degrees Fahrenheit.
Despite its harsh conditions, Mars continues to be a target for space exploration .
A person standing on Mars, looking at Earth in the sky.
Who knows? One day, you might even get to visit the Red Planet !