Dazzling Dolphins: Fun Facts You Didn't Know
27 May, 2024
Cấp độ: Trung cấp
Tổng số từ vựng: 140
Số phút để đọc: 2
Chủ đề: Animal
Bạn có thể nhấn vào nút Chơi game và khám phá bên dưới để tìm hiểu thêm nhiều kiến thức thú vị khác nhé.
Dolphins are some of the most fascinating creatures in the ocean.
They are known for their intelligence , social behavior, and playful nature.
A dolphin and a human shaking hands at the edge of a pool
Did you know that dolphins are mammals , just like humans?
This means they breathe air, have warm blood, and give birth to live young.
Dolphins belong to a group of marine mammals called cetaceans , which also includes whales and porpoises.
A bottlenose dolphin jumping out of the water
One of the most well-known species is the bottlenose dolphin.
Bottlenose dolphins can be found in warm and temperate seas worldwide.
Dolphins use echolocation to find their way and hunt for food.
An illustration showing sound waves bouncing off objects underwater
Echolocation is like a natural sonar system that helps them navigate and detect objects.
Dolphins communicate using a variety of sounds, such as clicks, whistles, and squeaks.
Each dolphin has a unique whistle that acts like its name.
Two dolphins exchanging whistles underwater
They recognize each other by these signature whistles.
Dolphins are also known for their amazing acrobatics .
They can leap high into the air and perform flips and spins.
A group of dolphins playing together, making splashes and jumping
These playful behaviors are not only fun to watch but also help dolphins bond with each other.
Dolphins live in groups called pods , which can have up to 12 members or more.
Living in pods helps them protect each other and find food more easily.
A dolphin supporting another dolphin that appears weak or injured
Dolphins are also known to help injured or sick pod members.
Sadly, dolphins face many threats , such as pollution , fishing nets, and habitat loss.
It is important to protect these incredible creatures and their environments.