Trở về


Giải nghĩa: The end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb.
Nghĩa: Tay, bàn tay
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Hand" trong câu (ví dụ)

If that's what it takes to get your hand on one of these Victorian-grown pineapples, I wouldn't hold your breath!

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George Devol made the first of these, the Unimate, in 1954, with one arm and one hand.

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A few robots do surgery in places inside the body where a human hand is too big.

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So they turned to eBay in hope of finding some second hand parts for their machinery.

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They do this while holding a coin in the other hand.

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On the other hand, "dog people" make up 45% of the world.

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They work as a computer but are mobile devices small enough to fit in a user's hand.

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A hand is equivalent to four inches.

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No matter how complicated a task or problem at hand, first, they take a proposed framework of what the solution looks like.

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