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Giải nghĩa: A small gregarious toothed whale that typically has a beaklike snout and a curved fin on the back. dolphins have become well known for their sociable nature and high intelligence.
Nghĩa: Cá heo
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Dolphins" trong câu (ví dụ)

Historically, marine mammals such as whales, dolphins and seals have been eaten as food, though that happens to a lesser extent in modern times.

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Dolphins are very smart animals.

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Dolphins can swim very fast.

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Dolphins love to jump and play in the water.

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Dolphins often live in groups called pods.

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Pods can have up to 12 dolphins.

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Dolphins are some of the most fascinating creatures in the ocean.

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Did you know that dolphins are mammals, just like humans?

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Dolphins belong to a group of marine mammals called cetaceans, which also includes whales and porpoises.

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Bottlenose dolphins can be found in warm and temperate seas worldwide.

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Dolphins use echolocation to find their way and hunt for food.

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