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Giải nghĩa: Of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.
Nghĩa: Xanh
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Blue" trong câu (ví dụ)

Instead, they were just a pair of blue colored suede sneakers with a rubber sole.

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Blue cheese, which has distinctive smells and tastes, have blue veins running through, which is caused by piercing the cheese and its crust with stainless steel needles and copper wires, to allow air into the product.

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There are many types of cheese: Brie, Cheddar, Cottage Cheese, Cream Cheese, Blue cheese, Edam, Emmenthal, Mozzarella, Parmesan, Ricotta.

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People use this expression when talking about things like blue jeans, baseball and rock-n-roll music.

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The famous blue Twitter bird is called Larry.

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Even people who use Twitter on a regular basis may not know that the name of the blue bird is Larry.

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From Asia, the blue (Indian) peafowl and green peafowl.

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They have blue or green eyes.

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Blue packaged chocolate doesn't sell in Shanghai or Hong Kong, as the Chinese relate blue with death.

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It also contains small amounts of methane which makes the planet appear blue.

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Neptune's blue color is much brighter compared to Uranus's, which has a similar amount of methane, so there might be another reason why Neptune is blue.

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Palau is a small island located southeast of the Philippines, you will find deep blue waters and bright blue skies at this gorgeous destination.

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