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Giải nghĩa: Account, deposit amount, statement, payment statement
Nghĩa: Tài khoản, số tiền gửi, bản kê khai, bản thanh toán tiền
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Accounts" trong câu (ví dụ)

It's easy to get sucked into mindless scrolling when you're on Instagram, especially if you follow a lot of accounts that post photos and videos of adorable animals.

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A study has discovered that 8% of all Instagram accounts are fake.

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Every day, one hundred million accounts upload a Story on a daily basis.

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80% of all Instagram accounts are personal - an average user has 648 followers and is following 359 accounts.

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In Australia, lightning accounts for five to ten deaths and more than 100 injuries annually.

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Banks like credit card accounts because people always end up paying more than the original price for an item and the banks get that extra money in the form of interest.

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The UK.’s favorite fish is still cod and accounts for more than half of the total consumption.

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Justin Bieber, Barack Obama and Taylor Swift all boast millions of followers and are up there with the top 5 most popular Twitter accounts.

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However, many people have noted that a large percentage of celebrity followers are often fake accounts, and Justin Bieber's following is only thought to be 50% real accounts.

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In addition to the issue of real and fake accounts, many users on Twitter who follow celebrities are not very active or have ceased to use Twitter completely.

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A refrigerator usually accounts for about 12% of a property's energy bill.

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