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Giải nghĩa: High-rise buildings, landmarks associated with any historical event; turning point
Nghĩa: Các tòa nhà cao tầng, các địa danh gắn liền với sự kiện lịch sử nào; bước ngoặt
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Landmarks" trong câu (ví dụ)

The Tsing Ma bridge is a remarkable work of art that is considered among prestigious landmarks in the region.

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The city is known for its street life and cultural landmarks, as well as its red-light districts.

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Australia is a fascinating country - home to many amazing wildlife and views, with famous buildings and landmarks which plenty of travelers long to see.

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One of the most famous landmarks in London is the Tower of London.

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One of the most famous landmarks in Tokyo is the Tokyo Tower, which looks like the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

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From its iconic landmarks to its vibrant culture, New York is a city that has something for everyone.

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