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Giải nghĩa: Light rain falling in very fine drops.
Nghĩa: Mưa phùn
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Drizzle" trong câu (ví dụ)

Fog commonly produces precipitation in the form of drizzle or very light snow.

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Drizzle occurs when the humidity of fog attains 100% and the minute cloud droplets begin to coalesce into larger droplets.

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Drizzle becomes freezing drizzle when the temperature at the surface drops below the freezing point.

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They also have popular desserts such as "Khao Niao Mamuang" or mango sticky rice made with a bed of sticky rice at the bottom with a fresh mango cut into slices on top and finished off with a drizzle of sweet coconut milk;

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