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Giải nghĩa: Feathers, feathers
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Feathers" trong câu (ví dụ)

The peacock can be seen displaying his bright beautiful feathers mostly during breeding season in the Spring.

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Apart from displaying his feathers and train, he will also guard his territory and make loud noise to ward off other males.

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The reason a peacock has such a bright and dramatic train is to attract the attention of peahens, who normally choose their mates based on the size, color and quality of the feathers and train.

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With a fairly large wingspan around 4.9 feet (1.5 meters) and it's large feathers, the peacock is one of the largest flying birds on earth.

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Every year, the male peafowl will replenish his feathers - no wonder the color always stays so good!

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If the feathers of a peacock still weren't impressive enough, they are covered in tiny crystals which play a large part in attracting the females.

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Male ostriches have black feathers and female ostriches have gray and brown feathers.

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Both males and females have white feathers on their wings and tails.

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When baby eagles are born, they are covered in gray feathers and don't have the typical brown and white pattern until they are 4 years old.

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Eagle feathers are in high demand across North America, but it is illegal to hunt or kill eagles and get them.

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In particular, the feathers create much higher drag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly.

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Shuttlecocks were traditionally made from feathers that are gathered from the left wing of a goose.

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It takes about 16 feathers to make the shuttlecock.

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