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Giải nghĩa: Stone; Rocks protruding from the ground, the sea surface
Nghĩa: Đá; khối đá nhô lên khỏi mặt đất, mặt biển
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Rocks" trong câu (ví dụ)

During this period he painted the famous artworks "Madonna on the Rocks" and also "The Last Supper".

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Sea otters are known for their remarkable ability to use rocks to smash open shellfish to fill their stomachs.

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These rings are made of ice with smaller amounts of rocks and dust.

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When this happens rocks form around the edges.

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The rocks then move with humongous force and when this happens, we get an earthquake.

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At fault lines the rocks are sliding past each other and will eventually cause a crack in the Earth's surface.

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These craters are from rocks hitting Mercury long ago.

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They use rocks to break open shells.

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They often use rocks to break open shellfish and crabs.

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