Amazing Facts About Otters 2
08 Jun, 2024
Level: Intermediate
Total vocabularies: 147
Minutes to read: 2
Topic: Animal
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Otters are fascinating creatures that live in water and on land .
They belong to the weasel family , which also includes badgers and wolverines.
A world map showing different locations where otters live.
There are 13 different species of otters found all over the world.
One of the most well-known species is the sea otter.
Sea otters have very thick fur to keep them warm in cold water .
An otter holding a small rock, ready to use it to open a shell.
Did you know that otters use tools ?
They often use rocks to break open shellfish and crabs .
Otters have a special pocket in their underarm to hold their favorite rock!
A river otter diving into a stream.
River otters are great swimmers and can stay underwater for up to 8 minutes.
They use their long, strong tails to help them swim quickly.
Otters are very social animals and often live in groups .
A raft of otters floating together on the surface of a lake.
These groups are called rafts when they are in the water .
Baby otters are called pups and are incredibly cute!
A mother otter swimming with her baby on her back.
Pups stay with their mothers for about a year before going off on their own.
Otters play a crucial role in the environment by keeping the ecosystem balanced.
They eat a variety of prey, which helps keep the populations of those animals in check.
An otter swimming near a polluted shoreline.
Sadly, otters face many threats, including habitat loss and pollution.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect these wonderful animals.
By learning more about otters , we can help ensure they have a bright future.
An otter waving its paw as if saying goodbye and thank you.
So next time you see an otter, remember how amazing and important they are!