

Definition: A number of people or things that are located, gathered, or classed together.
Meaning: Các nhóm
Very Common
How to use "Groups" vocabulary in sentence (example)

McKinsey is one of such businesses: it is one of the best known global management consultancy groups in the world.

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Otters are usually found in small family groups with the mother and her young offspring.

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During mating season, or when there's an abundance of food you will find much larger groups of otters.

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This means that even though it usually lives on the land, it spends a great amount of time in rivers and lakes where males lead groups of 5 to 30 females and young.

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This is particularly the case for those in at-risk groups or with disabilities.

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Lions are the only big cats to live in groups, called prides.

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Prides are close family groups.

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Giraffes live alone or in groups.

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Young male giraffes form small groups until they become mature.

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Females form groups of 4-32 animals.

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Males however, live in small family groups of 2-3 brothers, known as coalitions.

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Peafowl do not enjoy living alone, and tend to stay within small groups as they are highly sociable and dependent birds.

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While a group of any peafowl is called a harem, a group of females are known as a bevy, a muster or a party when they are in groups without the males.

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Dolphins often live in groups called pods.

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They travel in groups called herds.

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Otters are very social animals and often live in groups.

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These groups are called rafts when they are in the water.

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