Amazing Facts About Ostriches
25 May, 2024
Level: Beginner
Total vocabularies: 73
Minutes to read: 1
Topic: Animal
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They cannot fly, but they can run very fast .
An ostrich running on a race track with a speed sign showing 70 km/h.
An ostrich can run up to 70 kilometers per hour !
Ostriches have very long legs and a long neck .
A close-up of an ostrich with very big, expressive eyes.
Ostriches have the largest eyes of any land animal.
Their eyes are bigger than their brains !
Ostriches lay the largest eggs of any bird.
A large ostrich egg in a nest surrounded by 24 chicken eggs.
One ostrich egg is as big as 24 chicken eggs .
They eat plants , insects , and small animals .
Ostriches live in Africa , where it is hot and dry.
A herd of ostriches walking together across a plain.
They travel in groups called herds .
Next time you see an ostrich, remember how amazing they are!