

Definition: An organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
Meaning: Óc, não
Not Common
How to use "Brains" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Horse's brains are pretty small.

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Although it is illegal in several other countries, the French enjoy eating horse heart and horse brains.

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In 2004, Coca-Cola created Miles Thirst, a vinyl doll voiced by Reno Wilson (the voice of Frenzy, Mudflap and Brains from across the Transformers films) in order to exploit the hip-hop market to advertise their range of soft drinks.

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Cat brains are very similar to human brains.

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Physically, at least, their brains are about 90% similar to ours.

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Their brains are smaller, weighing just 0.9% of their total weight while ours weigh 2%.

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Their eyes are bigger than their brains!

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