

Definition: An oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate, usually containing a developing embryo. the eggs of birds are enclosed in a chalky shell, while those of reptiles are in a leathery membrane.
Meaning: Trứng
Not Common
How to use "Eggs" vocabulary in sentence (example)

People who classify it as a torte point to the presence of many eggs, which are the sole source of leavening, as a key factor.

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While many European custards get their firmness from adding eggs, gelatin makes panna cotta difficult to mess up, and eliminates the possibility that you will end up scrambling your eggs in hot custard mix.

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They are the largest living bird species, and have the biggest eggs of all living birds.

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Pancakes are flat cakes, often thin and round, prepared from a starch based batter that can also have eggs, milk, and butter.

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Romans ate sweet and savoury dishes called Alita dolcia that were made from milk, flour, eggs and spices and were very similar to pancakes.

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You might have cows and chickens to give you milk and eggs.

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A mother eagle will generally lay two eggs, although in most cases, one of the baby eagles is stronger than its sibling and will kill the weaker one.

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The female eagle will spend most of the 35 days keeping her eggs warm, while the male ensures food is brought to the nest.

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A peahen can lay up to six eggs at a time, although there have been occasional cases of even more.

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They will lay their eggs in the afternoon in most cases.

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Ostriches lay the largest eggs of any bird.

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One ostrich egg is as big as 24 chicken eggs.

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