

Definition: (of a cat) make a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment.
Meaning: Tiếng rừ... ừ... ừ (của mèo khi thích thú)
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How to use "Purr" vocabulary in sentence (example)

There's also a clear link between cat ownership and a lowered risk of strokes or heart problems, as a cat's purr lowers blood pressure.

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Cats purr for many more reasons than you would think.

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Most people associate a cat's purr with it being happy, but that's not always true.

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Some cats have a slightly different purr for when they're hungry, and mother cats also use their purr to communicate with their newly birthed kittens.

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Most unexpectedly, cats sometimes purr when they're injured, and it's been suggested their purr actually helps their body to heal faster!

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Cats have a special 'purr' that can make you feel happy and calm.

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A cat's purr can have a calming effect on humans, and some studies suggest that it may even help lower stress.

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