

Definition: Of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to width.
Meaning: Cao
Less Common
How to use "Tall" vocabulary in sentence (example)

It has a stunning array of scenery from the beaches of Qinhuangdao to a desert corridor between tall mountain ranges.

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In comparison, the USA's Statue of Liberty is only 306 feet tall, so it's safe to say the new piece of art work has already etched its name into Bali history!

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Penjor are tall decorative poles that can be seen outside Balinese homes during certain religious holidays.

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Giraffes eat leaves from tall trees and sometimes fruit, which they can reach because of their long legs and long necks.

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Giraffe calves are already 2 m tall and weigh 50-55 kg.

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Because of this, the gorgeous old buildings you see lined up on the canal - and street-fronts of Amsterdam are particularly thin and tall.

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This bay is famous for its more than 1960 limestone, rocky, tall islands which are rich in tropical vegetation.

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In 1991, a chocolate model ship was made in Barcelona measuring approximately 42.5ft long, 28ft tall and 8ft wide.

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The cake measured 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in) in diameter, and 0.85 m (2 ft 9 in) tall.

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New York has many tall buildings.

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