Olympus mons

Olympus mons

əʊˈlɪmpəs mons
oʊˈlɪmpəs mons
Definition: A large volcano on Mars, 25 km high, 3 times higher than Mount Everest
Meaning: Một núi lửa lớn trên Sao Hỏa, cao 25 km, gấp 3 lần đỉnh Everest
Not Common
How to use "Olympus mons" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Olympus Mons, a shield volcano, is 21km high and 600km in diameter.

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Olympus Mons, a shield volcano, is 21km high and 600km in diameter.

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Mars has the tallest volcano in the solar system called Olympus Mons.

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Olympus Mons is about three times taller than Mount Everest!

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