

Definition: London (the capital of Great Britain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the largest city in the United Kingdom)
Meaning: Luân đôn (thủ đô của Anh và Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh và Bắc Ireland, đồng thời là thành phố lớn nhất Vương quốc Liên hiệp Anh)
Very Common
How to use "London" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Firstly, we will visit to London, UK.

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London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom, and is the largest urban area in Greater London.

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London is the biggest city in western Europe, and the world's largest financial centre.

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London is about 2000 years old.

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London was founded by the Romans.

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For a long time, London was a small city.

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This area is still called the City of London.

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London is one of the world's most important cities for business, finance and politics.

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The population of London is 8.63 million.

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Most people in London are British.

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However, London also has many immigrants.

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There are also many people from different countries who stay in London on business.

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Many people visit London as tourists.

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They may see the famous "Sights of London".

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Then the Romans rebuilt the city, and London became an important trading hub.

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After the decline of the Roman Empire, few people remained in London.

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In the 9th century, more people started living in London again.

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After the railways were built, London grew very big.

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Greater London has 33 London Boroughs (neighbourhoods) and a mayor.

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The old City of London is only a square mile in size but has its own Lord Mayor.

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Another famous old part of Greater London is Westminster, which was always a different city from the City of London.

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At the time, Coppard was working with The Natural History Museum in London and was able to confirm from the photo uploaded that the species was unidentified, making it a new discovery of sea urchin that he named Coelopleurus exquisitus.

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There are claims to the first chippie from Lancashire in the North and London in the South of England.

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The Chao Phraya River is as important as the River Thames is to London in defining the city's geography.

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That number would even rise to 200,000 near the end of the 17th century, making the city a very large city for its time (only London and Paris also had that many people).

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A 2004 London study found that 70% of people would give their passwords for a chocolate bar.

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By 1837, the National Swimming Society was holding regular swimming competitions in six artificial swimming pools, built around London.

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London is the capital of England.

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Did you know that London has over 170 museums?

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London is also home to the iconic Big Ben clock tower.

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You can ride on a big Ferris wheel called the London Eye.

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London has more than 8 million people living there.

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