

Definition: With opposite sides or surfaces that are far or relatively far apart.
Meaning: Dày, có bề dày là
Less Common
How to use "Thick" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Due to the thick layer of fen and clay present in the soil of the city, all the city's buildings were erected on wooden poles that are fixed into a sandy layer of the ground over 35 feet deep!

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A thick-cut potato absorbs less oil than a thin cut, so the chunkier chips are the healthier ones.

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Traditionally, fish and chips were wrapped in greaseproof paper and a thick layer of newspaper which served not only as an insulator but also as a plate to make eating outdoors easier—because of health and safety control, however, chippies are no longer allowed to use paper anymore.

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It's a noodle dish made from wide and thick rice noodles that is stir fried in dark soy sauce with either pork, chicken, or beef and Chinese broccoli or cabbage.

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They do not live in thick forests where it is difficult to see predators, such as lions, approaching.

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