

Definition: Roman citizen, roman
Meaning: Công dân la mã, người la mã
Not Common
How to use "Romans" vocabulary in sentence (example)

When the Romans conquered Greece, the cheesecake recipe was just one spoil of war.

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The Romans spread cheesecake from Greece to across Europe.

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London was founded by the Romans.

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It was called Londinium by the Romans.

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All its people lived inside the walls that were built by the Romans.

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Then the Romans rebuilt the city, and London became an important trading hub.

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Once the Romans had gone, trade with Continental Europe dwindled.

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Later on, during the warring campaigns of the Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, yogurt became common in the entire West.

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Romans ate sweet and savoury dishes called Alita dolcia that were made from milk, flour, eggs and spices and were very similar to pancakes.

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It was known to the ancient Romans, who named it after their god Jupiter, for causing lightning strikes on Earth.

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The ancient Romans named it after their goddess Venus.

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The Romans founded London and called it Londinium.

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