

Definition: (especially in science fiction) a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically.
Meaning: Người máy
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How to use "Robots" vocabulary in sentence (example)

McKinsey is appearing in the limelight by talking on technological topics like creativity and design as well as AI and Robots.

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Robots are usually machines controlled by a computer program or electronic circuitry.

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Most robots do a specific job, and they do not always look like humans.

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In fiction, however, robots usually look like people, and seem to have a life of their own.

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There are many books, movies, and video games with robots in them.

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Robots have many uses.

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Many factories use robots to do hard work quickly and without many mistakes.

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These are 'industrial' robots.

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Some robots find and get rid of bombs.

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There are also robots that help at home, to vacuum or run a lawn mower, for example.

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Such robots must learn about the area of work.

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A few robots do surgery in places inside the body where a human hand is too big.

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Planet rovers are robots for exploring distant planets.

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Because it takes a long time to send a radio signal from Earth to another planet, the robots do much of their work alone, without commands from Earth.

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People still think of robots as having a shape like a person-two legs, two arms, and a head.

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ASIMO is one robot that is helping scientists learn how to design and program robots.

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Whilst at Apple, Andy was given the name for his love of robots.

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Scientists are very interested in Mars and are exploring it with robots.

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Scientists are very interested in Mars and send robots to explore it.

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