

Definition: Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost.
Meaning: An toàn, chắc chắn (được che chở khỏi nguy hiểm, thiệt hại)
How to use "Safe" vocabulary in sentence (example)

If they had, it's safe to say that there wouldn't be much left to marvel at anymore.

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With no immediate options available to them to cover their costs, the three of them got creative and decided to rent out an airbed in their apartment to budget-conscious tourists or those simply in need of a safe place to lay their heads.

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In comparison, the USA's Statue of Liberty is only 306 feet tall, so it's safe to say the new piece of art work has already etched its name into Bali history!

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Upon its safe return it was decided that it deserved an actual name, and so it was named Félicette, after the popular cartoon character Felix the Cat.

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Taking care of elephants is important to keep them safe and happy.

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The city is very safe and clean.

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