

Definition: The faculty or state of being able to see.
Meaning: Sự nhìn, thị lực, tầm nhìn rộng; ảo ảnh
How to use "Vision" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Horses have exceptional vision!

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Lions have terrific night vision.

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Samsung means three stars in Korean, Lee Byung-Chull Samsung founder decided to use the name after his vision for a company as everlasting as the stars.

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In this year, Mercedes trailed a vision-guided robotic van on an open road which achieved a speed of 39 mph.

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The ALV, or Autonomous Land Vehicle, project in America carried out the first example of a car following a road that used computer vision and autonomous robotic control, it reached up to 19 mph, using newly developed technology from numerous scientific powerhouses including the University of Maryland.

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The vehicle had just two black-and-white low-cost cameras and used stereoscopic vision algorithms to learn its environment.

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Cats have extraordinary night vision, allowing them to see in one-sixth the light level required for human vision.

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