

Definition: The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught.
Meaning: Việc học, kiến thức
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How to use "Learning" vocabulary in sentence (example)

For the wide collections, easy accessibility and reading and learning proficiency of eBooks, people are getting more attached to eBooks.

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He was educated at Alexandria, Egypt – famed for its knowledge and learning.

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It allows them to have much more of a hands-on and immersive experience in their learning.

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Despite Albert's independent learning, he languished at school.

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Learning about elephants helps us understand how amazing they are!

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Have you ever heard of Machine Learning (ML)?

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Machine Learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI).

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Learning about ML can be fun and useful.

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Learning about AI is fun and exciting!

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Machine Learning (ML) is a fascinating field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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