

Definition: A powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry.
Meaning: Bột, bột mỳ
Not Common
How to use "Flour" vocabulary in sentence (example)

The Ancient Greeks used the simple ingredients of flour, wheat, honey and cheese formed into a cake and baked.

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For others, the overall structure, with the separate crust, the soft filling, and the absence of flour, is compelling evidence that it is a custard pie.

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In that period, thin cakes made of flour were very popular and were mostly accompanied with vegetables.

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The basic ingredients to make spring rolls are thin noodles or vermicelli, rice flour, soy sauce, mint, lettuce, tofu, carrots and capsicum.

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To make the rolls, dough is prepared by mixing the flour with water and a pinch of salt and is kept aside for a while after making.

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Tagenites were made with wheat flour, olive oil, honey and curdled milk.

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Romans ate sweet and savoury dishes called Alita dolcia that were made from milk, flour, eggs and spices and were very similar to pancakes.

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The batter is simple, made with flour, sugar, egg, and milk.

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Blinis are yeasted pancakes that are made from buckwheat flour and served with sour cream, jam, honey or caviar.

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As the Han era concluded, the northern Chinese farmers who had long grown wheat discovered they could ground this grain into flour and knead it with water.

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It is filled with warm spicy Ginger soup with rice flour dumplings that have black sesame paste on the inside, it's texture is soft and chewy.

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In the 1860s, when France laid their first steps in Vietnam to start their invasion, the bread made from wheat flour also arrived in Vietnam.

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At that time, a baguette was an expensive dish, which was only served to the upper class or French, because wheat could not be planted in Vietnam due to the tropical weather and imported wheat flour was very expensive.

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The baguette was one of them, and when Vietnamese tried the baguette they remade it by adding rice flour to the ingredients, which is always available in this agricultural country, made it shorter and baked it in a different way.

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The dictionary defines banh mi as "a Vietnamese snack consisting of a baguette (traditionally baked with both rice and wheat flour) filled with a variety of ingredients, typically including meat, pickled vegetables, and chilli.".

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Also, doughnuts contain a large amount of sugar and white flour, which are turned into fat when they come inside our body.

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The vegetable is used to make many things including flour, stews, puddings, and even juice.

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