

Definition: Biggest
Meaning: Lớn nhất
How to use "Greatest" vocabulary in sentence (example)

A site that bestows wonder upon all who make the journey to its soaring heights, this marvel of Inca architecture is one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th Century.

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Of all the structures are unearthed and identified to date, the most impressive and of seemingly greatest importance, as well as being the most fabled is the Temple of the Sun.

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The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest sights in the world.

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Olmecs (1400-300 BC), is the first greatest civilization in Mexico.

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Archimedes greatest love was theoretical mathematics.

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Today, Iceland, Japan, and Portugal are the greatest consumers of seafood per capital in the world.

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Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) is one of the world's greatest thinkers, artists and philosophers.

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Einstein is remembered as one of the greatest scientists ever.

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