Fascinating Facts About Elephants
27 May, 2024
Cấp độ: Trung cấp
Tổng số từ vựng: 125
Số phút để đọc: 2
Chủ đề: Animal
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Elephants are some of the most incredible creatures on Earth.
These gentle giants are known for their intelligence and strong social bonds .
An elephant standing next to a tree, showing its massive size
Did you know that elephants are the largest land animals ?
A male African elephant can weigh up to 14,000 pounds (6,350 kilograms )!
Despite their size, elephants are very gentle and can show a lot of emotion .
An elephant with a tear rolling down its cheek
They can express happiness, sadness, and even grief.
Elephants have long trunks that they use for many tasks .
Their trunks are like a Swiss Army knife;
An elephant with a thought bubble showing a memory of another elephant
They can use them to eat, drink, and even hold things.
One fascinating fact is that elephants have excellent memories .
They can remember places and other elephants for many years.
A female elephant leading the herd, walking at the front
Elephants live in groups called herds .
These herds are usually led by a female , known as the matriarch .
Baby elephants are called calves and are very playful.
A close-up of the rough, thick skin on an elephant's back
Calves are cared for by all the females in the herd, not just their mothers.
Elephants have skin that is about one inch (2.5 cm) thick.
They often cover themselves in mud to protect their skin from the sun and insects .
An elephant using its tusks to dig into the ground
Elephants are also known for their long, curved tusks made of ivory .
These tusks can be used for digging, fighting, and finding food.
Unfortunately, elephants are at risk because of poaching for their ivory tusks .
A group of children reading a book about elephants with an adult