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Giải nghĩa: Give (someone) money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred.
Nghĩa: Trả (tiền lương...); nộp, thanh toán
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Pay" trong câu (ví dụ)

Not bad for three down on their luck guys struggling to pay rent, a little over a decade ago, right?

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Today, people can pay money to access the Internet from internet service providers.

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Instead of running away like many people would have, he stayed and worked to pay his debt.

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Someone who owes more money than he or she can pay all at once is said to be "carrying debt".

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The very name credit card suggests that you don't have enough money to pay for whatever you use the credit card to buy.

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You get what you want, and you pay for it over time, including interest, just like a bank loan.

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You can pay a little a month, or you can pay it all back once you have the money.

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Most people pay the money back a little a time.

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When there is more supply, this will cause prices to fall because people will not want to pay more for items that can be found easily.

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You never know when you're going to need money to pay for unexpected things, such as a birthday present for a friend or medical costs related to an accident.

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If you don't have any money set aside as savings, you will have a difficult time paying your other bills because you will have to borrow some of what you've earmarked for food to pay hospital beds.

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One common thing that people do when they don't have money right away to pay for something is to use a credit card or otherwise borrow money.

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And the longer you take to pay back the loan, the more money you will pay in the end.

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By choosing to go to university, your opportunity cost is losing your job and your pay check.

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Each time the company enters a new market, they buy smartphones for drivers in countries that they expand to, allowing those drivers to pay daily instalments for the phone.

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Stock is an investment that people pay to a company because they believe that that company will make money.

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And the more money you pay, the more shares you can buy.

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Many companies sell shares of stock, and they depend on the money they get for these shares of stock to pay their bills.

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Pay for your own private tour, or join a small group to get a discounted price.

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