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Giải nghĩa: Make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one's services or resources.
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Help" trong câu (ví dụ)

There are also robots that help at home, to vacuum or run a lawn mower, for example.

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Systems with significant rainfall and duration help alleviate drought in places they move through.

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Sprite can help relieve some stomach pains, such as those caused by a gassy build up.

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These fuzzy little guys are unfortunately at risk though, so if you're feeling inspired by these facts go and read more into them, and see what you can do to help!

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Users can get more programs, called mobile apps, from the manufacturer 's app store, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play which can help them complete special tasks.

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Horses are often seen in photographs "laughing" or "smiling", but this movement is actually to help them smell better.

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Eagles have been used in the police and the army several times, and in The Netherlands, eagles were trained to help control drones.

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Haptic feedback might also be used to help make it seem more real.

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Black tear shaped streaks on the face help to reflect the sun when hunting.

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Cheetahs have between 2,000 and 3,000 spots, which help them to camouflage themselves.

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Hashtags are designed to help users connect to a particular theme or topic, and they are often used during events and conferences to help people find posts about the same thing.

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As the village grew into a town and then a city, the network of canals running through it was further formed and shaped to help transport and trade - both with the outside world and within the city.

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But it always help to know what they're talking about.

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It was founded by Michael Bloomberg in 1981, with the help of Thomas Secunda, Duncan MacMillan, Charles Zegar, and a 12% ownership investment by Merrill Lynch.

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In Samsung's Silicon Valley US Headquarters, 34 electrical car charging ports have been installed to persuade staff to move the electrical vehicles and help commuters.

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Users can get more programs, called mobile apps, from the manufacturer 's app store, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play which can help them complete special tasks.

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While it does not guarantee you immediate weight loss, the oxidants in the tea help reduce fat digestion by inhibiting various digestive enzymes.

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Dolphins are friendly and often help humans.

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They bring joy, companionship, and even help to humans in many ways.

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