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Giải nghĩa: Each of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Seasons" trong câu (ví dụ)

Seasons also play a role in the flavors of kimchi - refreshing cucumber kimchi is popular in spring and summer, while winter kimchis may contain radish and mustard leaves.

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Before you travel to Bali Indonesia you should know it has two seasons, wet and dry.

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The seasons are extreme because its elliptical (oval-shaped) orbital path around the Sun is more elongated than most other planets in the solar system.

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The Hindu calendar has 2 more seasons than the western 4, these are monsoon that comes just before autumn, and prevernal that comes after winter.

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Interestingly, Mars has seasons just like Earth, but they are twice as long!

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Mars has seasons like Earth because it tilts on its axis.

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