Amazing Facts About Archimedes
09 Jun, 2024
Level: Beginner
Total vocabularies: 76
Minutes to read: 1
Topic: People
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Archimedes was a famous Greek mathematician and inventor .
He lived over 2,000 years ago in a city called Syracuse .
A tub of water with a crown floating in it.
One of his most famous ideas is the Archimedes' Principle .
Archimedes also invented a device called the Archimedes Screw .
A cartoon of water being moved up a spiral tube.
This device helps to lift water from one place to another.
Archimedes loved to solve problems and think about math .
He once said, 'Give me a place to stand, and I can move the Earth.'
A cartoon of Archimedes looking through a telescope.
Archimedes was very curious and loved to learn new things.
He wrote many books about his ideas and inventions .
Today, people still study Archimedes' work and learn from his ideas .
A classroom with a teacher pointing to a picture of Archimedes on the board.
Archimedes' discoveries help us understand science and math better.