

Definition: Gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.
Meaning: Học, nghiên cứu
Very Common
How to use "Learn" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Adventures are the best way to learn, and it's very difficult to argue against that statement when there are so many amazing places to see around the globe.

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Such robots must learn about the area of work.

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ASIMO is one robot that is helping scientists learn how to design and program robots.

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Later, he said that he had gone to school for just one year, but that was enough to learn how to read, write, and do simple math.

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Otters are born with their eyes closed, and as soon as they open they have a lot to learn like swimming and hunting.

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Archimedes was very curious and loved to learn new things.

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Today, people still study Archimedes' work and learn from his ideas.

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