

Definition: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Meaning: Sách
Very Common
How to use "Books" vocabulary in sentence (example)

A 2013 study found that the smell of chocolate in a bookstore made customers 22% more likely to buy books of any genre and a whopping 40% more likely to buy cookbooks or romance novels.

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There are many books, movies, and video games with robots in them.

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The first Arab recipe books describe its use in the preparation of various dishes, and even in the fables of The Arabian Nights we can find it served at marvellous banquets.

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Ebooks, like printed books, are largely made up of text, but can also include images.

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The aim for her was to reduce the loads of books that needed to carry by the students.

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She wanted to reduce student's hassle of carrying so many books.

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Readers prefer more a longer quality books.

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So, the viability of smartphones and tablets as an e-reader is more encouraged by the people because they search for books to read on their smart devices.

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Depending on this demand, a lot of books are encoded to be able to read on the smartphones.

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It is one of Barcelona's most celebrated festival days in which loved ones are given roses and books.

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She loved reading books and in her home, she had a library of 400 books.

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He wrote many books about his ideas and inventions.

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Marilyn also loved to read books.

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She had a collection of over 400 books.

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