

Definition: Dogs, hunting dogs
Meaning: Chó, chó săn
How to use "Dogs" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Otters are the dogs of the water world, so it's no small wonder that we humans have such affection for them.

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Female otters can be called sows or bitches, and male otters can be called boars or dogs.

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The jury is out - Americans love cats more than dogs!

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While there are more US households with pet dogs, there are way more pet cats than dogs in total!

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A 2019 survey of US households found there to be around 94.2 million pet cats, while there were only 89.7 million pet dogs.

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That's almost 5 million more cats than dogs!

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While most people think that cats aren't as smart as dogs, they can also be trained - they just think it's a little bit beneath them!

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Dogs are amazing animals and wonderful friends.

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Dogs come in many shapes and sizes.

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Some dogs are very small, like the Chihuahua.

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Other dogs are very big, like the Great Dane.

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Dogs have a great sense of smell.

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Dogs are known as man's best friend, but there is so much more to them than just their loyalty.

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One interesting fact is that dogs have an incredible sense of smell.

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Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about 6 million in humans.

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This superpower allows dogs to detect scents that are miles away!

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Another fascinating fact is that dogs can hear frequencies much higher than humans can.

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