

Definition: A very young child.
Meaning: Trẻ em
Very Common
How to use "Baby" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Baby peafowl are called chicks.

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They give birth to baby hippos in the water, too.

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Baby horses even have different names!

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Baby horses can walk and run after just a few hours of being born.

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A mother eagle will generally lay two eggs, although in most cases, one of the baby eagles is stronger than its sibling and will kill the weaker one.

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It takes a number of years for a baby eagle to grow its talons fully.

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When baby eagles are born, they are covered in gray feathers and don't have the typical brown and white pattern until they are 4 years old.

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Baby eagles of the larger species will weigh around 8-9 (3.5 - 4 kg) pounds after just a few days.

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When the female is close to giving birth, it leaves the group for a time to give birth to its offspring, and comes back 2-3 weeks after her baby is born.

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After a pregnancy of 14-15 months, the female gives birth to usually a single baby (which is called "calf").

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Giraffes give birth while standing, so the baby falls down 2 metres.

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Baby giraffes are called calves.

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Baby otters are called pups.

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