Limited edition

Limited edition

ˈlɪmɪtɪd ɪˈdɪʃən
ˈlɪmətəd əˈdɪʃən
Definition: An edition of a book, or reproduction of a print or object, limited to a specific number of copies.
Meaning: Phiên bản giới hạn
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How to use "Limited edition" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Bugatti Veyron Limited Edition Mansory Vivere - $3.4 million.

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In 2000, graffiti artist Temper was hired by Sprite to create a limited edition design in celebration of the millennium that appeared on 100 million cans distributed across Europe.

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Lays sold limited edition crisps covered in milk chocolate said to have a "salty-sweet combination, along with the texture contrast of warm melted chocolate and a crunchy chip".

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