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Giải nghĩa: A colourless, transparent, odourless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
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Cách sử dụng từ vựng "Water" trong câu (ví dụ)

Keep your eyes peeled because I promise you another vehicle will be along any minute now that blows these cars out of the water.

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More deaths occur when strong winds cause tree limbs to fall, debris to become projectiles and small boats in open water to capsize.

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To make the rolls, dough is prepared by mixing the flour with water and a pinch of salt and is kept aside for a while after making.

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Famously, he is said to have realised a principle of mathematics when he saw the displaced water after getting in the bath.

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What really makes some of these temples unique is the water features.

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At places like Tirta Empul you can bath in holy water, or even walk on water at the koi fish pond!

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Since a lot of the Earth is covered by water, the total surface area of the Mars is nearly as large as all of the land on the Earth.

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Otters are the dogs of the water world, so it's no small wonder that we humans have such affection for them.

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These adorable little guys have long, streamlined bodies that are just made for being in the water.

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Otters spend a large amount of time in the water, yet they still have fur.

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Most species of otters actually spend their time on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water when they're not hunting.

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They may sometimes come to shore, but they spend the majority of time in the water, hanging around kelp forests.

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There's also no single collective noun for them - if there's a group of otters on the water they are called a raft, but if they're on land they can be called a bevy, family, romp, or lodge!

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You'd think this would pose a problem for a species which spends the majority of its time either in water, or hunting in water, but apparently not!

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In the daytime, they keep cool by staying in the water or mud.

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They give birth to baby hippos in the water, too.

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Hippopotamuses rest together in the water, but they like to graze by themselves.

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Hippos can close their nostrils and ears to prevent water from entering.

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However, if threatened on land it will often run for water.

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They are only territorial while in the water.

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Both reproduction and birth occur in the water.

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With impressive monuments, several different ancient urban plans and large water reservoirs, the site is a unique concentration of features testifying to an exceptional civilization.

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Horses are big fans of water, and will drink a minimum of 25 gallons every single day.

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As the Han era concluded, the northern Chinese farmers who had long grown wheat discovered they could ground this grain into flour and knead it with water.

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Saturn is the only planet in the Solar System that is less dense than water.

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They can go without water for weeks.

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Cheetahs have evolved to live in an environment where water is scarce, and can survive on one drink every three to four days.

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Making hardware requires energy, and recycling parts will reduce air pollution, water pollution, as well as greenhouse gas emissions.

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Fog is a visible aerosol consisting of tiny water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth's surface.

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It is heavily influenced by nearby bodies of water, topography, and wind conditions.

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Fog begins to form when water vapor condenses into tiny liquid water droplets that are suspended in the air.

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Water vapor normally begins to condense on condensation nuclei such as dust, ice, and salt in order to form clouds.

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It was a cartoon image of a whale being pulled out of water in a net by eight little birds - representative of Larry the Twitter bird.

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In the United States, the term "seafood" is extended to fresh water organisms eaten by humans, so all edible aquatic life may be referred to as "seafood".

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The temperature of refrigerator is only a few degrees above the water freezing point.

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Snow forms when water vapor in the atmosphere freezes into ice crystals.

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Snowflakes nucleate around particles in the atmosphere by attracting supercooled water droplets, which freeze in hexagonal-shaped crystals.

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Agriculture: providing water to crops and safeguarding livestock;

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Some of the islets (small islands) rise from the water to heights of up to 330 feet.

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The famous chocolate river from the original Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory film was made with 15,000 gallons of water mixed with chocolate and cream.

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Venus has no oceans because it is much too hot for water.

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The main difference between the two is that turtle is the name given to water dwellers and tortoise is the name given to land dwellers.

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Hong Kong is made up of more than 200 islands which is why it is often necessary to travel over water bodies.

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Snakes live on the ground, in trees, and in water.

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Swimming is an individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one's entire body to move through water.

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The sport takes place in pools or open water (e.g., in a sea or lake).

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They also need good food and water to stay healthy.

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Giraffes only need to drink water once every few days.

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They get most of their water from the plants they eat.

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It has water, air, and everything we need to survive.

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Scientists have found signs that liquid water may exist on Mars.

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Otters are fascinating creatures that live in water and on land.

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Sea otters have very thick fur to keep them warm in cold water.

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These groups are called rafts when they are in the water.

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This principle explains how objects float in water.

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This device helps to lift water from one place to another.

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