

Definition: The hindmost part of an animal, especially when prolonged beyond the rest of the body, such as the flexible extension of the backbone in a vertebrate, the feathers at the hind end of a bird, or a terminal appendage in an insect.
Meaning: Đuôi
Not Common
How to use "Tails" vocabulary in sentence (example)

Both males and females have white feathers on their wings and tails.

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No matter the size of the group though, you will always find them playing around, wrestling, chasing their tails and having an otterly great time.

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Cheetahs long muscular tails have a flat shape that is used for balance and steering.

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When peacocks are first born, they don't have tails, and in fact don't look very impressive until they are around 3 years old.

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They use their long, strong tails to help them swim quickly.

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