

Definition: All the inhabitants of a particular place.
Meaning: Dân cư, dân số; mật độ dân số
How to use "Population" vocabulary in sentence (example)

It may be humanity's most important food, furnishing about 15 percent of the world population's protein intake.

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Fresh and dried fish were a staple food for much of the population.

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The population of London is 8.63 million.

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Approximately 44% of the population in the United States shop at Walmart each year.

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With an estimated population of over 129 million people, Mexico has 68 official languages.

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The Aztecs sacrificed 1% of their population every year or about 250,000 people.

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Christian and Muslim religions do exist, but Hinduism covers around 84% of the population.

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Seoul is noted for its population density, which is almost twice that of New york and eight times greater than Rome.

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Each Gu in Seoul varies in both size and population.

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Songpa has the largest population, while Seocho is the Gu with the largest area in Seoul.

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Moreover, the Angkor Archaeological Park is very rich in medicinal plants, used by the local population for treatment of diseases.

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There's no need to worry about horse population….

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No matter who may have opened the first fish and chip shop, the trade grew to feed a rapidly expanding population, reaching a staggering 35,000 shops in the 1930s and more than tripling since then.

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In fact, it's roughly 8.2 million population is close to 13% of the entire population of Thailand.

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Even if the city does seem horrendously busy and overcrowded, bear in mind that Bangkok is relatively small (population-wise) when compared to other major cities of the world.

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Metropolitan Manila is densely populated and contains a significant proportion of the population of the country.

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The largest single foreign community, representing less than one-tenth of the population, is made up of Chinese.

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Consequently, various government policies and resettlement projects have been implemented in an effort to address the problem of population density.

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If suburbs are counted, the population of the Paris area rises to 12 million people.

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According to a survey conducted in Britain, around 10% of the population believed that the moon was closer than Australia.

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Even though Canada is the second-largest country in the world, it has one of the lowest population densities.

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About 90% of Canada's population lives within 100 miles of the US.-Canadian border.

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60% of the world's polar bear population is in Canada.

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More than 70% of the Australian population participates regularly in some form of sport, although over 25% of the country is considered to be obese.

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With a population of over 13 million people, Tokyo is one of the most populated cities in the world.

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New York has a very diverse population.

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