

Definition: Abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous.
Meaning: Sa mạc, hoang mạc
Less Common
How to use "Desert" vocabulary in sentence (example)

It has a stunning array of scenery from the beaches of Qinhuangdao to a desert corridor between tall mountain ranges.

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Desert storms are often accompanied by violent winds, and pass rapidly.

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Some ostriches live in areas of the Sahara desert.

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It doesn't grow so well in the African desert.

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If you live in the African desert and you want to eat rice, you are dependent on other people to grow that rice and sell it to you.

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Venus' surface is a dry desert.

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There is only one desert in all of Canada located in British Colombia.

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It is just 15 miles long and is the only desert in the world with a long boardwalk for visitors to enjoy the scenery.

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In a full pink ablative and white sealant coating to protect the craft from extreme temperatures, it reached 7,270 km/h (4,520 mph) on the 3rd October 1967 over the Mojave Desert, USA.

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Mars is a cold desert with temperatures dropping as low as -195 degrees Fahrenheit.

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